Search Results
Jewish Communities Around the World (Part 2: Italy) || Dr. Marc Shapiro interviews Rabbi Di Segni
Jewish Communities Around the World (Part 1: Morocco) || Dr. Marc Shapiro interviews Raphael Elmaleh
Jewish Communities Around the World (Part 5: Spain) || Dr. Marc Shapiro
Jewish Communities Around the World (Part 4: Hungary) || Dr. Marc Shapiro
Torah & Worldly Wisdom: Hakham Benamozegh's Defence - Rabbi Dr Marc Shapiro
Torah in Motion Morocco || Dr. Marc Shapiro
The Rise of Reform and the Rabbinic Response (Part 4) || Dr. Marc Shapiro
My Latest Book (Part 1) || Marc Shapiro
Coronaspection - Interview with Rabbi Ricardo DiSegni
The Rise of Reform and the Rabbinic Response (Part 8) || Dr. Marc Shapiro
The Rise of Reform and the Rabbinic Response (Part 9) || Dr. Marc Shapiro
Maimonides vs Judah Halevi on the Distinction Between Jew and Gentile (Pt 2) || Dr. Menachem Kellner